Monday, September 2, 2013

How bad things really are...

Almost all windows have one or several screws drilled through them on the lower corners, I assume an attempt by a PO to keep them tightly closed... 
screws through all windows 

The original running lights are long gone but hey, lets slap something on there...

TV antenna attachments and cranking box. But the PO had to punch a hole into the shell left of it?

A rip (about 6 inches long).  I think we will patch it once the inside skin is off
Belly-pan patches all over the place...

Except where the PO used ropes (!) to keep the belly-pan "tight"...

And she had to have a dent too!  I will say though that it is not too bad and I have my hopes up for when the inside skin is off. Also it is not easily visible if you are not a very tall person.
 To be expected: last two cross-members rusted out and a nice cut out center piece in the second last one???
However, the third last cross-member looks shockingly good.

1 comment:

  1. It's a long road, but it will be well worth it at the end! Congrats on the "new" trailer!
